Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Fish in Ship

Recently, a favourite co-captain of the captain bought a magnificent "fishy" tank from one of the famous mainland called the "Aquarium Centre".

"What fish market arg' you talkin' about, my dear?" The captain asked.

"Not fish market, you silly fool, the aquarium where you can rear a fish as a pet"

"Fish food you meant? Ah, we have plenty of fish food as supplies, pick one as you like!"

"No!! I meant live fish, not dead fish!"

He was getting annoyed so he turned around and walked ahead. In that moment, with his huge leap of movement, he stepped onto something with a cracking sound. He looked down and saw blisters of glasses and a jumping fish.

"No!! You silly fool, it's my aquarium you steppin' on! You killed my fish!"

She laid down and sob as she picked up her poor fish. He looked blur over some dead small fish with a golden strip on it.

"Argh, me dear, you can have all the fishes in the world as we roam the sea!"

She was sobbing and then angrily turn around facing the Captain.

"I will demand a mutiny and throw you off the sea with giant sharks to eat you alive!"

- The Captain has a new asset in the ship called the Aquarium.

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